Ryan Riley is an author and screenwriter in Los Angeles, California. He likes to pull readers in with an enticing hook, then challenge them to extract the deeper context of his layered narratives.

The Mountain

A mysterious mountain man hiding in a remote mountain range is identified as a wanted terrorist by local authorities leading to a team of military contractors setting off into the mountains to hunt him down.


The Mountain film movie screenplay poster
“We should’ve listened to the better angels of our nature.”
— The Mountain

Most children of the 80s and 90s have a fondness for action films. With their cheesy one-liners and non-sensical explosions. We’re somehow drawn in by their violence. The downside of those films was the dangerous stereotypes. Muslims were bad. And men were manly. Super manly. Sure it’s fun but it’s also the source of a lot of toxicity.

THE MOUNTAIN is an attempt to flip the genre and to show the world an action hero we’ve never seen before.

This is perhaps one of Ryan’s most divisive scripts simply because of who the hero is. Not for any other reason. But in the end, it’s pure action. Minus the cheesy one-liners. The script goes deeper than that.

The Knocking